Our legal terms of operating ..............
This document will cover the range of services we provide and then expand on some of the specific
services for detailed explanation of what we offer and under what terms..
Please down the Agreement here.....
By generating a document covering our Terms of Service we will mitigate the risks that 'Us' The Service provide will face and at the same time provide clarity and minimise risk exposure to our clients.
This Agreement governs your access to and use of the Digital Services
TertiaryDNS and Customer may be referred to individually each as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
Please down the Agreement here.....
It is good practice to draw clear lines about our delivery and up front advise the client as
to what exactly their rights are and our obligations are to them.
Overall this puts the client's mind at ease because they are aware that we intend to be
clear about our service delivery and this helps in putting their mind at ease.
Signing up to use Bare Bones Servers is quite different to signing up for virtual machines.
You acquire responsibility for the dtection of the hardware as onlu your organisation
fully control of the server.
You will have to use the technical skills of your administrators to monitors all the
server hardware.
You can also opt to have a managed SLA to provide managed service to replace non
performing server hardware.
This does not remove our responsibility to provide you with proper hardware in the first
place. That grey area will be covered in the bare bones server SLA.
Delivering a professional service means one important fact......Disaster Recovery
Regardless of whatever service you are providing you do not want to lose data
Suppose you want to upgrade your VM specs, does your SLA provide for that...Yes
We work to ensure that we have Zero Downtime in our network service delivery
Hardware failure will occur and our duty is to ensure it is minimised and yes we do provide
compensation and that is addressed in our SLA ...
If you hosting via a reseller all issues will have to be raised with your reseller