TertiaryDNS Dspyder Professional Cloud Load Balancers Infrastructure Kubernetes VM Clusters

Dspyder FAQs for Domain Hosting

Frequently Asked Questions.

FAQs about our Load Balancers

There are several ways we safeguard our Load Balancers

In simple terms you should understand that Load Balancers can be either Application Load Balancers or Network Load Balancers and then you can sub division these into other categories.
Primarily you want Load Balancing for your applications or services or both and we will provide that delivery mechanism for your organisation without any complexity.
Our Load balancers will work at both Layer 4(IP) and Layer 7(HTTP,HTTPS,SMTP,FTP)
We manage a farm of Load Balancers and it is part of our service delivery to provide Zero Downtime for our service to your organisation.
Our Load Balancers work in Clusters
Our health checks will detect unavailbility of your application or service with 2 seconds.
By optimising server workloads we minimise the risk of technical failures caused by server over loads.
Managing server persistence so that a client can be directed to the server where their session data is stored
Our health checks will prevent baskets from suddenly being empty and ensure that payment transaction are completed...


Here are several ways to contact us

Sales Question

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa santo.

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Help & Support

Donec quam felis ultricies nec, pellen tesque or full refunds from the pretium quissem, nulla consequat massa quis enim from aloman.

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Media & Press

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim juserdiet In enim juserdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

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FAQ didnt solve your problem?

Here are several ways to contact us

Are your templates responsive?

You can issue either partial or full refunds from the Dashboard or via the API. When you refund a charge, the fees you paid to accept the payment are also returned to you onec quam felis, ultricies nec.

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How can I update my email?

You can issue either partial or full refunds from the Dashboard or via the API. When you refund a charge, the fees you paid to accept the payment are also returned to you onec quam felis, ultricies nec.

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How can I keep my account private?

You can issue either partial or full refunds from the Dashboard or via the API. When you refund a charge, the fees you paid to accept the payment are also returned to you onec quam felis, ultricies nec.

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Why can't I reset my password?

You can issue either partial or full refunds from the Dashboard or via the API. When you refund a charge, the fees you paid to accept the payment are also returned to you onec quam felis, ultricies nec.

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See Our Pricing

We'll help you choose the right products and solutions.

  • starter

  • $10

    per month

  • Disk Space25GB
  • Bandwidth mo.250GB
  • E-mail Accounts5
  • MySQL Databases
  • 24h Support
  • Support Tickets mo.1 Ticket
  • econo

  • $30

    per month

  • Disk Space50GB
  • Bandwidth mo.500GB
  • E-mail Accounts10
  • MySQL Databases
  • 24h Support
  • Support Tickets mo.2 Tickets
  • standard

  • $59

    per month

  • Disk Space100GB
  • Bandwidth mo.1000GB
  • E-mail Accounts50
  • MySQL Databases
  • 24h Support
  • Support Tickets mo.5 Tickets
  • professional

  • $99

    per month

  • Disk Space250GB
  • Bandwidth mo.3000GB
  • E-mail AccountsUnlimited
  • MySQL Databases
  • 24h Support
  • Support Tickets mo.10 Tickets

Request a custom template ?

  • Your custom date and time
  • Any Express tools, features and techniques
  • Specially made for your team and business goals

TertiaryDNS is based in Bristol in the South West of England, UK. We operate our services out of two data centres in Reading and Maidenhead and have been in operation since 1998.
Our expansion will see us have access to European data centres in the first quarter 2023
We are recruiting as we expand please check our jobs and careers link.

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